Thursday 14 June 2012

The wonder pigment

BY Sarbjit Singh Reen
No life without sun is an incomplete statement as there will be no life even without chlorophyll as well. It is as important as sunlight. We enjoy the sun and in winter we bask in the sun. We all feel energetic and healthy when we regularly spend time in the sun. In an attempt to get as much sunlight as possible we have reduced our bathing suits to very minimum to give our bodies precious sunshine. However, not many people are aware of the sunlight's liquefied form, chlorophyll. Plants manufacture their food from the soil and directly from the sun. They know the technique of converting sunlight into carbohydrates. That is how plants grow. They make carbohydrates out of sunlight, from carbohydrates plants build new stems, roots and bark, and most importantly, they build new leaves because leaves can make more carbohydrates. In an attempt to make more and more carbohydrates they fix more and more cabondioxide and clean the atmosphere. Plants' lives depend on sunshine and our life depends on plants. Even when people eat animals they eat them for the sake of the nutrients that the animal received earlier through consuming plants. Let’s not harm them and let them do their work of cleaning air which we desperately need for our survival. Why to axe our own feet and why not we should grow more and more trees and make environment cleaner and cleaner and pollution free. Lets grow trees.

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