Thursday 16 August 2012

Spinach: A valueable Green Leafy Vegetable with Excellent Nutritional and Medical Value

Tahira Abbas, M. Adnan Shahid, M. A. Pervez, Rashad M. Balal, C. M. Ayyub
Institute of Horticultural Sciences, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad (Punjab) Pakistan
University College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha (Punjab) Pakistan
Spinach is a leafy green vegetable of winter season. Spinach is a prominent source of iron, vitamins A and C, thiamin, potassium and folic acid, carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin. Spinach is cherished among various vegetables due to its dark green leaves. This prominent feature is utilized as a marker to distinguish two categories of spinach viz. Smooth Leaf and crinkled leaves. Some varieties are liked due to their small sized leaves. The advance varieties of spinach are found to be superior than older varieties because of their fast growth and being less prone to bolting. These are also distinguished by their larger leaves and round seeds. Spinach can be categorized as savoy, smooth leaf asnd semi-sovay spinach on the basis of their leaf size, color and shape.
According to statistics presented by FAO, (2008), China is the leading country in spinach production, followed by U.S.A, Japan, Turkey and Indonesia. Pakistan is ranked at 10th position among spinach producing country with the production of 82239 MT, during 2008. Top importing countries are Canada, U.K, Netherlands, Germany and Singapore. Top countries related to spinach export include U.S.A, Spain, Italy, Netherlands and Mexico.
Requirements of highly productive spinach crop include well drained soil and efficient irrigation and fertilizer management. Quality seed should be used. Most commonly adopted seed sowing method is broadcasting. After sowing, irrigation is applied to keep the soil moist. After germination, irrigation frequency is adjusted accordingly. A nitrogenous fertilizer application aids in obtaining dark green, healthy and vigorous leaves. Flowering stalks appear from the plant, as the temperature rises.
It takes 4-6 weeks to get first harvest, when planted from seed. The harvesting stage is established according to the consumer’s preference of leaf size. Harvesting of spinach is done in cuttings. Individual leaves are made to cut, comprising of older leaves in outer periphery of the plant. The younger leaves are left to grow for later harvests. It is brought to the local market in the form of bundles, pre packed bags while in international market it is available as canned or frozen. Care should be taken while storing spinach. It should be avoided to store with fruits or ethylene producing commodities. It can be stored in frozen form, after being washed, dried and packed in freezer bags. It quickly loses its nutritional value within short period of storage, if not stored efficiently. It can be kept in freezer for up to eight months. Some practices are reported to increase the shelf life of spinach like packaging in air or nitrogen gas and use of irradiations. According to international standards, a 4.0 kilo Grays (kGy) is found to be efficient for causing reduction of microorganism attack as well as keeping the nutritional value from deterioration.
During its growing phase, spinach has to combat various pests and diseases. Being a member of cool season crops, it has to encounter various fungal diseases including downy mildew and fusarium wilt. Such problems can be avoided by provision of enough air circulation and efficient drainage. Disease resistant varieties should be preferred. Aphid is the prominent insect, causing severe losses in extreme attack. It proves to be a source for viral disease dissemination. Aphid population should be controlled. Spinach is reported to be enormously sprayed with pesticides for insect control. Such practice is not favorable for human diet.
Spinach occupies a special position among various leafy vegetables due to its high nutritional value possessing high antioxidant properties along with several beneficial vitamins like A, C, E, K, B2. It provide a considerable amount of magnesium, manganese, folic acid, iron, calcium, potassium, copper, phosphorous, zinc and selenium along with proteins. Boiling of spinach leaves can reduce the nutritional value in some aspects. Among all nutrients present in spinach, iron and calcium occupies a prominent position. For efficient absorption of iron, calcium and vitamin C should be present in ample quantity.
Spinach is reported to have anti aging properties, anti-cancer effects, reducing the risk of cardiac disorders, muscular degeneration and vision-related discrepancies. It helps regulating blood pressure and cerebral health. It is also reported to improve the brain functioning.
It proves to be an efficient remedy for constipation, anemia, acidosis, night blindness, tooth and respiratory disorders, pregnancy and lactation and urinary disorders. It smoothes the functioning of digestive system. Being a valuable source of iron, it improves the hemoglobin level of the blood, so equally important to be a part of diet during pregnancy and lactation periods. Presence of vitamin A aids in combating night blindness. Calcium contents of spinach help to strengthen the bones especially teeth. It is famous for its diuretic properties thus prevent various urinary problems. It efficiently reduces the respiration related problems and diseases like tuberculosis, bronchitis, asthma and cough.
On the basis of overall performance of spinach it should be included in the regular diet to keep the immunity system strong and for its efficient functioning.
Original Article Here

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