Tuesday 17 July 2012

Research money invests in growth of S.C. agriculture

Advanced Plant Technology program
Lawmakers should override veto of funds to launch program for development of new crops and products
Agribusiness is South Carolina’s largest industry, contributing more than $30 billion and 200,000 jobs to the state economy through agriculture, forestry and related industries, according to economic impact studies by the Palmetto Institute and Miley, Gallo and Associates.
Key to the vitality of this sector is ongoing research to identify critical issues, develop solutions and share new plant varieties, production methods and processing technologies with agricultural producers and forestland managers.
Clemson University proposed – and the S.C. General Assembly endorsed – establishing an Advanced Plant Technology program at the Pee Dee Research and Education Center in Florence. This research would provide a bridge to 21st century agriculture using traditional plant breeding and molecular genetics to develop new crops and crop-based products. Research would involve scientists at Clemson’s Coastal Research and Education Center in Charleston, the Edisto Research and Education Center in Blackville and the main campus.
That Gov. Nikki Haley chose to veto the $4 million in state funding to support this economic development initiative is a surprise, particularly since economic development is the primary focus of her administration.
The goal of the Advanced Plant Technology program is to foster continued development of the state’s agricultural economy. Specific objectives are to increase the per-acre value of crops; develop new crops that can expand the market for S.C. farm products; and attract private agribusiness investment in research, development and application of new technologies and crop varieties.
Scientists would focus on developing improved varieties of the state’s major crops such as cotton and soybeans; improving the biofuel production capacities of crops, which include sorghum and switchgrass; and developing new crop varieties not currently economically feasible in the state but which offer a viable market potential for producers here. An example is a contract for South Carolina growers to sell switchgrass to European power plants, which resulted from research at Clemson’s Pee Dee center.
The S.C. General Assembly saw the economic benefit of the Advanced Plant Technology program and designated $4 million for Clemson agricultural research. This seed money would be used to begin renovating current laboratories at the Pee Dee center and to add new laboratory space and equipment required for plant breeding and genetics research.
Unfortunately, in her veto message, Haley related the project to overall funding for higher education. In fact, Clemson’s agriculture and forestry research, extension and regulatory programs are federally mandated to enhance economic development in agribusiness, and are funded separately from the university’s education and operations budget.
Sustaining economically viable agriculture in South Carolina requires increasing crop yields and crop quality, and continuously developing new crops and new crop products to maintain competitiveness.
Both the South Carolina Farm Bureau and the Palmetto Agribusiness Council support this endeavor because each organization recognizes the relevance of the research to agricultural producers and the state economy. The General Assembly should override the Haley veto.
Original Article Here

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